The popularity of “Diamond Painting” on TikTok

1. Popularity of product topics

On TikTok, the topic #diamondpainting generated around “diamond painting” is quite high in terms of the amount of content and the volume of playback.

At present, the video content aggregated under this hashtag has reached the order of 1.7 billion views. Moreover, as an accurate product label, the label can obtain such data, which shows that its product audience is wide enough and the content activity is high enough.

According to the recorded historical data information, in April this year, the content of the hashtag was played 1.4 billion times.

In other words, in just two months, the relevant content under this topic has increased by more than 300 million views! With such a growth rate, the hidden product audience and popularity information are self-evident.

Other related topics of “Diamond Painting”, such as #5ddiamondpainting and other hashtags, are also quite good.

2. Popular product videos

Check out popular product-related video content under the hashtag #diamondpainting:


This popular video is a grass planting video released on 2020-7-08 by @diamondpaintwithme0, a blogger on TikTok who specializes in promoting his independent website “Diamond Painting”.

The video currently has accumulated data, playback volume: 2200W+; number of likes: 370W+; number of comments: 21.9K+; number of reposts: 21.9K+.

The account is also operated in the form of a single product and a single number. Since June last year, it has released video content related to “Diamond Painting”, and has attracted 867.9K TikTok users to become its fans.

Observing the works of this blogger, they are basically videos about the process of making “Diamond Painting”. Although the content is relatively boring, it can attract so many fans. It can be seen that there are indeed many foreign users who are interested in this product.

So, if you’re looking for a way to break out of the old-fashioned sales routine, give tiktok a try. Boost your sales.

Please continue to pay attention and share more exciting content in the next issue.

Post time: Aug-25-2023